Saturday, February 5, 2011

RCA MI-1432-A Field Coil Woofer



I am just trying to post some rough numbers on the 1432's... when I called Steve Schell and he did not have any published numbers, I figured I should just take some and post them... I suspect the Q numbers are quite good... as should be Fs... but the Vas was not working properly into my test box.. so I had to use the slightly less accurate added mass method..

so.. for what they are worth, here you go:


  1. Interesting on varying coil voltage SPL plot - looks like you were saturating the motor and lower Le?

  2. Jeffrey, this is eso. We met years ago when you were over listening to my old system with the built-in cement bass horns.

    Do you know any specifics on the cones and voice coils on these drivers? Are there any modern production than could be adapted to them?
