That's right boys and girls, JJ and I are finally trying to bring our wares to the masses with an actual line of bang for the buck products.
Pictured above is a two chassis phono stage and remote autoformer volume control. All three units will sit side by side and take up a single rack space.
We also have the ability to use different colors for the front plates but for now we are both diggin' the chocolate which appears nearly black when in a rack but just gives us a hint of warmth to match our other copper based patina look.
If the remotes offer too much bling on the autoformers we also have the more affordable manual attenuators.
These can be used on their own or in conjunction with the phono stage. Both the manual and the remote units offer dual inputs and parallel outputs.
Our goal was to keep things understated as can be seen by the input selector and up/down switches on the remote units. We also decided to keep our names subtle with the branding as well and we think it works.
Final retail prices are still TBD based on how badly we get beat up by the distributors we are dealing with. Until those deals are in place and a firm price is set, we may have a few units for sale in the back of our white van.
stay tuned.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Fat Possum Records - Holiday Sale!

Dudes... I have easily bought more form these guys than any other label this year... .easily...
They have a VERY heavy roster... Al Green, Black Keys, Junior Kimbrough, Heartless Bastards, Wavves, and my latest favorite - Cedell Davis... beware, this is some "broke ass shit, right here".....
and they are having a holiday sale... $10 records, cd's, hats, dvd's... $15 double LP's and picture discs... if you have not seen their documentary, You See Me Laughin', then click this link and watch the opening... way worth $10.... learn about where I am from - Mississippi.... for better and mostly for worse...
and here is what is pulling me down.... gotta get this... somebody in our extended and broken family needs forty seven blues 45's from back in the day... check out the covers.... all simply recorded.... and very real....

link to the George Mitchell Collection
lady day and john coltrane.
gsh came into the rotation today and this song really hit me harder than the rest in a positive manner. it has always been one of my favorites.
unfortunately the"suggested" video put a much less positive view on the lyrics.
i say turn off the pictures and let the music talk to you.
unfortunately the"suggested" video put a much less positive view on the lyrics.
i say turn off the pictures and let the music talk to you.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Strain Gauge Fashion
I received a padded envelope today and the only two expected deliveries were a strain gauge cartridge and a pair of tubes. (I was scared)
My panic quickly subsided and turned to confusion when I opened it to find a rigid eyeglass case.
Opening the case put me at ease because inside was one of the original Panasonic EPC-450's
This is a different animal altogether than the EPC-450C II's and the EPC-451's and it is always nice to have a spare for the "ark"
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Line Controller...

for now, just a tease of the Experience Music Line Controller...
Shown above is just the signal chassis. It will be a two chassis setup just like the phono stage. In fact, the face of the power supply will have the same dual switching arrangement.
I am working on quite a few things that are very near completion. This should be a really fun November..
Enjoy your Fall color! (down under, enjoy Spring!)
Monday, November 7, 2011
leftover chicken dinner.
Another Name.
since oneinthepipe is a no show thus far, says the next name is mister #72. by counting backwards I get one mad_winner!
we gave oninthepipe a week and if he (rash assumption) actually puts the pipe down and responds first they are his. mad_ gets the weekend to claim and then another name gets pulled out of the random hat and added to the mix.
first to claim gets it
Beau is next in the "claim game"
since oneinthepipe is a no show thus far, says the next name is mister #72. by counting backwards I get one mad_winner!
we gave oninthepipe a week and if he (rash assumption) actually puts the pipe down and responds first they are his. mad_ gets the weekend to claim and then another name gets pulled out of the random hat and added to the mix.
first to claim gets it
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Off the shelf...NOT!
Ready to ship out today are an assortment of IED's (intelligent electrical designs). In the group are a pair of 1:100's for pete's IO LTD, 1:50's for Ming's IO LTD, 1:20's for Scott's A90, 1:10's for Joel's A90 and the short one with the extra wire is a 1:10 unibomber for Alan's premium Be mono. The two absent from the class picture are the 1:20's for Jean's and Alan's Shilabe in silver and copper.
enjoy folks and thanks!