Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Munich High End 2012 Preview

yep... that is what Silbatone is sharing with the world this year.. of course not for sale... and of course it will be amazing in that giant room... thank you guys for bringing this gear!

What you see is the "workhorse" of the classic Western Electric theatre systems... the 15A... this was sort of their economy model as it is made of thin plywood... if there is a little bit of coloration, then it is certainly beautiful and rich coloration.... the speaker plays louder and cleaner than anything you have likely ever heard... big, rich sound...

and that bass system?  total JC... I love it... once it sinks in how it works, a big grin grows across your face... just perfect for this room... read up on the Heil patents for clues... (remember the Heil tweeters?)... the open back and wide baffle create a cardioid pattern... cancellation where you do not want the bass.. at the sides and behind... and teh compression chamber acts to increase efficiency and drive down the resonance frequency.. so loaded with two 515b and two EV 30's, I suspect it will play Sabbath *just* right....

I can't wait!  thanks again, guys!



  1. Dang...... Wish I could be there to hear these beasties. Beautiful!

  2. Looks like a much bigger version of Thomas Dunker's bass dipole from quite a few years back

    1. very similar, yes! I do think the baffle adds to the controlled directivity, but yes, very similar... I would love to talk to Thomas again.. it has been many years.. is he still practicing the art?

    2. Not seen him on any of the usual haunts for some time. Just found this too which is an even closer match

  3. Oh boy, looking forward to this!

  4. jc got the idea from Thomas Dunker, who was messing with the concept some years back.

    jc designed this woofer before Nelson published that article. Pass worked for Heil, who was the originator of the basic concept.

    jc put a few weird tricks into it, including the wacko driver compliment.

    I heard from Thomas within the last year. He is out there, still playing with horns, but laying low on the net.

    1. I love the idea of using more than one type of driver - I assume this is to widen the overall response and their differing cone areas in relation to the slot area enables their output levels to be matched rather than wasting energy in the crossover.

  5. EV30W and Altec 515B have the same Xmax and Qts, so they move in harmony. The extra driver, not only provides more moving area, it also spreads it out and gets the cone closer to the floor.

    jc describes this as a teardrop shaped driver...reminds me of those weird ear-shaped styrofoam Yahmahaha 24" woofers!

    The 515 also shows how big the dang 30W is by providing a familiar reference.

  6. I heard it yesterday as 'Whole Lotta Love' came thundering down the hallway, cutting through the light jazz pap that always makes me wanna shoot myself./....

    Awesome sound, big, uncompressed, fast and nuanced - colored, yes....but who cares???

    As an aside, the other thing that really surprised at Munich me was the top end on the d'Agostino/Sonus faber system....finest soft dome treble I have heard/

    1. colored in what way? for those of us have never heard a 15a.

  7. Hey where is the Munich update??

    1. Airport security probably still has that shady looking Jackson character in custody.

      Compression drivers and Schick arms look totally suspicious on the x-ray screen.

      I got pulled aside for a Schick arm at the Munich airport and the girls were very impressed that it was "homemade" and they really loved the handcrafted wood box. One said it was "Cool!"
