Thursday, September 10, 2015

A nice small system.

Not everybody has all kinds of room to dedicate to audio and one of our friends put this together.

I really like the way things are laid out and the use of steel and wood for the rack.


  1. That looks really nice and way tooo tidy...
    I'm designing a rack for my system and this gave me some ideas.

  2. Anyone know about those speakers?

    1. yes, I own them . Great sounds. Perform at their best with a Zu subwoofer.

    2. yes, I own them . Great sounds. Perform at their best with a Zu subwoofer.

  3. Replies
    1. the rarely seen and even more rarely photographed or blogged EMIA single ended 50/300b amplifier....

      prolly have to email us for information..


  4. Hello Jeffrey, I was looking at blog -

    - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015

    " A nice small system."

    - "Not everybody has all kinds of room to dedicate to audio and one of our friends put this together."

    - And I was interested in any information about the EMIA Single Ended 5-/300b amplifiers , and their pricing.

    I love the clean look to the Amplifiers!

    - Thank you, Dean - Fort Worth TX.

    PS. we met many years ago at the Lone Star Audio Fest, you and I talked a lot about putting together a Horn Speaker System, Unfortunately you didn't make it back to the show again, and then I ended up getting sick which cut down on my Audio Hobby participation. I did see Dave Slagle at the other shows in the following years and spent a lot of good times enjoying the the audio systems and music at the shows he made it to there - and there were A lot great times going out to dinner with Dave and the gang from the Dallas area!
