Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Resistance isn't futile... It is downright evil!  One of the big offenders in the resistance camp is the humble L-pad so here is a magnetic solution.

This particular unit goes from -6 to -16.5dB in 0.5dB steps which is perfect for padding that horn down to the bass.  The "coarse" steps are 1dB and the toggle allows for a 0.5dB trim.
Of course it resides on a permalloy core and allows the end user to select the desired impedance presented to the crossover by selecting the shunt resistor.

Wiring is simple with the same 3 connections as an L-pad.  More info to come!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Bedtime Reading

Here are a few of the more interesting texts from my collection.

Starting from the top with 1/3 of the MIT trilogy we have a book that has seen more action from my bunny chewing on it than from the original owner.

My favorite part is the date with a pre-printed 194_  for the year.  I can't imagine the panic as Y1K950 approached.  Next we have the Grossner text that is on extended loan to me from Blackie who apparently has it on loan from Donald Trump.

Next up is the Bell Labs Bible on magnetic materials and how could I not snag this autographed copy given to my old nickel dealer?

Finally, this copy of Borwick from the Jeffrey W. Jackson collection which possibly represents another text that until recently has never been opened.