Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Stop the Insanity

We have been playing with the high voltage supplies on the "direct drive" quads and on a whim we tried some higher valued caps that the "stock" 0.001µf values.

I just happened to have a bunch of these 4µf caps and we gave that a go and things improved.  Onward and upward we went in values to see if there was a limit we could exceed.

10µ was better than 4µ and I think it may have had something to do with the Italian made capacitors which are obviously audiophile approved which can be seen by a closer inspection of the brand.

25µ was next and again for some reason things got better so next up are these banks of 50µ @ 900V caps.

Stay Tuned (or come listen to them in early November at the Capital Audiofest.)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

I See Dead Cartridges

A friend dropped over a baggie of dead cartridges and I have been slowly bringing them back to life.  The first was a DV-20 that simply needed a cleaning and a new cantilever.

After that came the Allaerts which needed a fair bit more work in addition to a new cantilever.

Both are sounding good and next I tore into the Field Coil cartridge that met an untimely death last spring.  This one needed a new suspension, the coils rewound and new stylus assembly.

it is definitely a face that only a mother could love but it sure makes music!  Here it is pictured with a 103R getting a new suspension just prior to the aluminum cantilever being amputated and a Boron cantilevered Microridge diamond being put in its place.