Friday, February 26, 2010

It isn't a pinup girl...

but I do have some Friday curves for you to ogle...

First, just a picture of the remote Passive Aggressive I need to box up and ship out. It was done in a more traditional form factor to fit a rack. This design also leaves plenty of room for future expansion into line level crossover parts.. so it is sneaky evil...

Next is the real excitement. I flipped when I saw these pictures of the 75tl close up. It makes me want to learn a little more about proper photography to document some of these beauties. Sneak peak here:

The real deal here: Eimac 75tl Amplifier

Super thanks and Copyrights to Paul Jeremias Photography, 2009.


  1. Hi Jeffrey,
    taking tube pics is a nice thing to do, but your example is perhaps not the most ambitious one. What you need in first place is a good tripod; you'll get fairly long exposure times as tubes don't tend to give much light. One of my tube shots:

    Cheers: Holger

  2. Manual focus is also critical because the auto focus wants to look at the glass whe you really want to focus on the plates.

  3. I see how it is now. John sends you the bling remote and I get the little plastic one.


  4. I should think Dave would know a thing or two about photography of tubes... ;-)
