Saturday, February 20, 2010


Been working on various ways to shield SUT's over the past few years and I must say mumetal is a pain to work with.  It cuts nicely with a paper cutter but getting holes in for RCA's and such is no small task.  I went to the local hobby store and bought some 1/32" birch with the idea that adding some support to either side would allow it to be drilled easily.  As an added plus the 1/32" spacing gives a nested effect.
The mumetal I had already has adhesice on one side and some simple spray glue kept everything together.  It still has some wiggle but i'm sure all that is needed is some permanent glue.  The most interesting thing about it is the result of the "rap" test.  Unlike normal plywood which is quite lively, this stuff is surprisingly dead. 


1 comment:

  1. perfect timing, brother... I was at Lew's yesterday playing with 1:26 vs 1:52... the Schroeder cans had 10dB more 60Hz than the bomb on my website... however, when I put my hand on them, it disappeared! After playing with many grounding schemes, I came to the conclusion that his mu metal cans need copper plating and the ground drain of the bomb...

