Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lone Star Audio Fest.

Jeffrey and I will be in Dallas for this show and we will have some cool toys in tow. Right now our temporary lineup will be:

-Artemis labs Table and Arm (by Frank Schroder)
-Miyabe Cartridge with a slight possibility of a "trick" denon
-Assorted SUT's wound by some clown in NY.
-Our proto "Cheap Pentode" phono Other phono will be a 7K LCR
-John Chapman's Remote Autoformer Volume control
-Inductive only line Level Crossover
-50 amp, Eimac amps Du Jour
-Field coil Lowthers in 150hz Eleven Horns
-Bass Maxx bass horns.
-Thai Food and Beer.

Dates are May 14-16 and it is in Dallas. More info is at the LSAF website.

The other thing ot be displayed that JJ and I are involved with is the Field Coil Alpair 12. I have finished breaking in and listening to these side by side with a stock pair of the Alpair 12's and rather than blather on about them I'll simply invite you all down to Dallas to give them a listen.

If anyone plans on attending and wants to do an official show report, drop me a note and I can put you in touch with an world renowned Online Rag that doesn't have any reviewers local.



  1. Man, I wish I could be there. My niece is getting married that weekend.


  2. Hi.I know this is very old post but maybe you answer it.
    Was this field coil conversion for alpair12 just for the festival? Or do you make these conversions?
    I am asking especially for ALPAIR 12P ?

