Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ruppert Wrecked Me...

I was cruising the web.. and was destroyed.. by Western Electric.. again...

I am not sure how I missed it, but is a site loaded with quality vintage gear. But more than that, it was conceived to help track, maintain, and restore these pieces of gear that are truly of museum quality... things that are crafted to last a few centuries... things that have a past and a future....

Tom apparently has not been updating the website, though. I am actually happy to see that. From my understanding he is a world class physician and I think he should pursue that line of work. But I do wish you all could talk to him. His stories are that of any audiophile trying to get good sound, but they just happen to involve things like 205d's and all, yes, I typed ALL of the Western Electric horns. The 12A that I posted above is a truly rare beast. The mouth is all solid wood, not the plywood of the much more typical 15A. He told me this was his favorite. I bet it wasn't all that bad... (big laugh)...

Notice the stand. As I have been working on a horn stand, the elegance of this is amazing to me. So simple, yet looks so appropriate. I love it.

This picture is why I say Tom Ruppert wrecked me again. I knew about the 12A's, but this??? Holy Guacamole! Would you look at the tube line-up in that transmitter! I think that is my new favorite photograph. (sorry, dave)


  1. The first time I saw that site I was glad I didn't have money...
    Too much cool stuff; form factors, industrial engineering...
    I loved the two old iron WE turntables.

  2. Yes it just makes me wonder.. just how many tennis ball tubes you guys have stole away...
