Thursday, May 6, 2010

But does it have an "ute" button.

It seems that a number of the followers SO's (and the ever so manly Johnny) are requesting more bunny posts. Got a box in the mail from John Chapman of some modules and inside were two brand spanking new "bunny-proof" remotes. These are much nicer than the previous ones he was using and even better yet is he has naked boards so we can make up a wood version if we so desire. Alas the wood version would tempt the bunny and yellow dog equally so I'll stick with the units John sends.My only question is where the heck us the "ute" button that is clearly marked on my previous unit? I am lost without it, there are so many occasions when i feel the music just needs to be "uted" a bit and it may take me weeks to tweak things so I can live without the "ute" feature. In any event here is a pic of the remote it replaced and again kudos to John for some great work.

1 comment:

  1. Is that John's new handpiece? I am one of the probably many who whimpered, gently, at the modest (though actually very clean) appearance of the old handpiece. This, housing the absolutely best operating remote volume I have ever used. I can stand outside the room and shoot the thing in the doorway (rig not visible from that position), click click click. When I first used the thing, I exercised geek logic and put the LED up to my eyeball to see if I could see the magic voluons. Click click click!

    Now, I need the 'ute' button, and maybe input switching, and my life will be complete.

    Well, WildMonkeySects might complete it a bit more.

