Monday, May 31, 2010

Dave's Guru....

He may say that JC was his first mentor, but I have found the truth.

On eBay is the amplifier on a cart true inspiration of Mr. Slagle. The text said it belongs to a 90 year old ham radio operator, so it clearly predates Dave's New York Noise work.


  1. That's not a cart, that's a rolling table - very very different.

  2. What's the galvanized bucket on the bottom shelf? that an old time laundry wringer or maybe a hand crank ice cream maker?

    Appears to be an important accessory that Slagle has not yet incorporated. DAVE...wake up, dude!


  3. I like the lambda power supply just strapped to the cart. Classic. There's some nice iron there, a big CHT Thordarson tranny, some WE trannies too I think.

  4. If this is the way it is going, we can have J_Cobb blow dry your hair.

  5. Impressive, but unless that guy wheeled his transmitter down several blocks of sidewalk in post-9/11 NYC, dave still wins.

  6. Hmm . . . galvanized bucket . . . . perhaps an oil-cooled portion of the circuit?

  7. In all seriousness - I'm glad to be reminded of the stir that amp kicked up when Dave wheeled it in - the crowd went nuts! Blew EVERYONE'S minds!

  8. Looks like a pair of 4-1000's - a linear amplifier in all probability... don't see a modulator... sweet. Probably not a good rig for cats or kids... and don't wear shorts and bear feet when operating... actually a fellow who was highly regarded and president of the ARRL pre-WWII (iirc) met his demise by PRECISELY this sort of thing - he was operating his rig with headphones on and his foot or hand (I don't recall which) brushed up against a power supply cap or a plate cap. :( anyhow, sweet... hi everyone...
