Monday, May 24, 2010

First Impressions of a Junkie

Women have a wonderful way of looking a man over as he enters a room. They go for his eyes, his shoes, his hair and his posture. I’ve seen this informal introduction before set the bar for dismissal or approval. By remaining un-shaven I’m often dismissed. I possess a rough-cut demeanor that remains intentional. I clean up well but the women I shadow like the folly of an unknown. We share a common spirit. She gains my attention by seeking a rebel and I remain engaged, strong willed but easy-going. She must understand my analytical no-nonsense character. She understands my condition – myEMIA. She is audio; I am her audiophile.

Billie Holiday
-Billie Holiday

We meet at Lone Star Audio Fest. I’ve pledged allegiance to the show’s DIY emotion. In fact this is my second show in three years. She was among the exhibitors when we first met. I was browsing for literature while taking note of the creative innovators with an undying passion for music. Unlike the immediate access exhibitors she sat in the back of her exhibit glowing. Dave the curator of the room handed me a business card and stamped the back with Jeffery’s info. They are a joint outfit comprised of Experience Music and Intact Audio. I had inquired about the girl in the other room but Dave was off to the next visitor.

Experience Audio Amp
-Experience Audio Amp

I entered where she sat. Taking notice of her peripherals, apple bottom base, blue belt and sweet tweets. I remembered her face. She was strong willed and rough cut. I had read of her before when she visited Oswald's Mill in 2007. Mercury vapor was in the air as a guy asked me to play some music. His name was John. I could have listened to anything he pulled. He nudged; "Pick anything you like!" I looked over my shoulder at the girl glancing at me. She was 6’9 and mahogany fine. I pulled some Blues & Roots to see if she could get down. She seemed a little heavy weight and I like my audio nimble.

The Girl was Mahogany Fine
-the Girl aka "Mahogany Fine"

She in turn looked me over for quick approval. I had arrived from work so this time I was presentable. Her lineup was outstanding handcrafted, rare, and original to say the least. Her creators had birthed genius with the likes of Frank Schroder at the table. I was in good company. John did not mind my music selection so we had a "Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting" as she began to bless the people.

Frank's Turntable Design & Arm
-one fine arm and table

She through Charles Mingus into the room along with the others and placed him behind the bass. In a collective and organized fashion the room was now a sanctuary. John, I & the visitors sat down for some church. After the gospel session Dave, Jeffery, John, I & the visitors she'd influenced went to diner. We chatted about music and audio with passion. We attempted to redefine patents and revive audiophiles. I spent the next two days visiting the guys in her room. What I remember most was their rough-cut presentation. They looked like junkies; they looked like me!

Dave Slagle & Jeffery Jackson
-creative innovators Dave Slagle & Jeffery Jackson

The EMIA Room: First Impressions of a Junkie
-by the junkie at
Lone Star Audio Fest 2010


  1. Wow! What a picture of Billie H!
    Can't wait 'til we meet up...

  2. Wow, Dave, you text much older than you look!

