Friday, August 27, 2010

Garbage Sales

I have become addicted to Craigslist and whenever I am headed out in a specific direction I peruse the local Craigslist ads to see if anything of interest is available. Most of the time as the title suggest there is a lot of Garbage in these so-called "Garage Sales". Yesterday I was headed out and saw a listing that had three things of interest to me. Tools, Old Records and a turntable.

With the hopes of a huge score of a 301, as I approached the table it appeared to be a SL1200 but alas it was a clone. I looked through the 50 or so records and these 4 jumped out at me

I asked the woman running the sale "How much" and she said $5 each. I made a face and quickly put them back. She asked what are they worth and I replied that Garage Sale / Flea Market records are worth about $1 a piece. She then said how about 4 for $5 and I quickly picked them back up to inspect the condition. They were in good shape so under my arm they went.
The tools were old and rusted and all jumbled together. In one pile I saw this box.

wondering what was inside i popped it open to find a dial indicator set complete with mounting accessories.

Since I had recently picked up a few of these I wasn't really interested until I noticed that it had a hole attachment. Robert suggested one of these would be helpful and since it also had an attachent for my tool post I figured it was worth a question as to price.

Fully expecting to hear $20 for the set, I was shocked by the price. How could I be off by a factor of 10. I wasn't going to argue this one and simply handed over $7 and took my new purchases home. Today, I listened to those Rekkerds while I wound some LCR chokes and I'm awaiting a response on an ad Listing 100 Jazz and Blues records that included this picture... wish me luck.

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