Saturday, October 23, 2010

Latenight with the phone of walter.

 What happened after the talk in the bar after the talk at the shootout... umm  I mean... comparison.  It ended at 5:30 am by the firm request of security.

aligning the cart

getting ready

cueing it up

400ma bay-bee

Thursday, October 21, 2010

And the winner is....


Drop me a few pennies or whatever by paypal and I'll get your new toys out to you.

(PS there were 42 comments and I removed 4 since they were either dupes or too generic.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can I be Frank With You?

RMAF was a great time and we will be adding bits and pieces over the next few days.  Sean sent me this picture and I want to give a big thank you for use of his platform for our "Saturday night destroy something session".  Alas even nearly a half an amp only made the field coil screaming hot and yet again Jeffrey and I failed to break it.  Major props go to Frank for allowing us to unmount the cartridge on the 12" arm to play since arm on the other table was removed to take to the tonearm comparison.  This left the cartridge playing at high temperatures until Sunday morning at 5:30am when security finally knocked on the door.  Luckily that left 3 hours for it to come back to a reasonable temperature before it played until noon during the show. 

On the other side of the "shootout" spectrum WRT the FC103,  thanks to Joel for the nice 103R to further the experiments. 

Stay tuned!.... More to come!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Logo Status....


Here it is. We may subtly rework it, but I like it in context....

sorry for the cell phone snapshots...


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

RMAF Get Together.

 For those of you going to the show,  Larry and Steve are holding the "Meet and Greet" the Mexican place across the street.  They have the big room again this year and it is a great place to gather and decompress before dinner.   See ya there!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Free Stuff in Honor of RMAF.

It is official that Jeffrey and I will be doing a mini-showing at RMAF.  We will be camping out at a table in the lobby for Saturday only so if you want to catch up with us we will be there guarding our wares which may include some really cool stuff we have been keping to ourselves.  John Chapman of Bent Audio will also be in the area so feel free to pop by and say Hi!  We will be represented in a number of rooms and can point you in the direction and we should have some after hours time to give some of the more eclectic "Not Ready for Prime Time" stuff a try with other "family" members.

Since we are so last minute, we need to generate a bit of traffic to let people know we will be there.  Granted a 36" wood horn like we showed at the LSAF is hard to miss in a hotel lobby but still, every little bit helps.

Joe S claimed his chokes and this time I'm offering up a pair of Autoformer modules.  The rules are basically the same as in the original contest.    The first contest worked really well, so this time I want to get the entry count up to see how things work out.

The simple Rules

To enter place a one line comment with an identifiable name or moniker.

Shipping anywhere is free on this one so have at it.

If your comment has two lines or content beyond a simple name it will be deleted in order for my macro to work.

Good Luck and hope to see you at RMAF!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lost in Space...


Another obscure transmitting tube... just a 304tl variant... maybe one a year on eBay.. but one that always reminded me of something..


And the winner is....

Joe S....

drop me a pittance by paypal and let me know about your needs and I'll get them to you.

I'll do another pair in a day or two.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

everyone likes free stuff.

I'm going to try something out since both Jeffrey and I have lots of stuff we will never use that we would like to see go to a good home.  I really hate the "free offers" where the reply comes immediately and the item sits on a shelf so I'm going to try something different.

Up for grabs is a pair of the small 49% nickel chokes I mentioned a while back.  I looked around on how to give stuff away fairly on the internet and will use the "comment" method.  If you want a chance to get them simply post a comment with your name (please make it a meaningful name)  At the end of some time (for the first few tries I reserve the right to select at any time) I'll submit the names to a random order selector ( and post the list so the people at the top can contact me.

I'm taking this pretty loosely for now to see how it works and the only real ground rules thus far are:

Name or known moniker as a comment to enter
please plan on using them or giving them to a friend who will.
resale is frowned upon but this is a mostly free world.
good friends and family are encouraged to enter and regifting is encouraged.

the last bit involves the shipping.  The paypal shipping is a must.  I can click print and ship something in 30 seconds so if you win and are in the US,   you must paypal me one dollar (or a penny) so I can ship it wihtout issue to the correct place.  Outside the states, the paypal requirement will be $25 for express shipping. (canada may be cheaper) In every case I will cover at least part of the shipping and will address things on a case by case basis.

Please understand this will be a learning process and I apologize for any speed bumps we might hit.  If this one goes well there will be more loot to be had.

To show the protocol, I'll enter myself and jeffrey as comment 1 and 2.  Obviously if either of us happen to win we call you all Suckas

hopefully this will work.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How to make a hinge....

from a solid chunk... duh...

and of course you have to line it so that it has a nice, soft closure.. and from a material that lasts a century....
