Saturday, November 6, 2010

A pile of horns...

wrecking what was once a nice clean work area..... and this is less than half of them....

140 LC with 4" throat...

custom oblate spheroid with roll back

if you live in texas, come get your horns... texas scares me...


  1. BEAUTIFUL horns!!!!!

    If in Texas stick to the hill country :)

  2. I'm on my way!

    John P.

  3. I recognize those horns. ;) I'll have to get some pictures of my own in situe.

  4. Those look nice! Were these shipped up from somewhere or did you make them on your lathe?

    Tell us more about that 849 hanging in it's socket on the left-hand side of the first picture. Display-only? or actually doing something with it?

