Tuesday, December 28, 2010

_all black with white socks.

the holidays were nice to me, black wardrobe and white footwear filled my hamper and i feel loved. 

Now the bad news.  My socks are grey,  My house is dirty,  I am happy.

A milling attachment for my lathe 

rather than bragging about my new hack milling attachment i'd like to talk about the grey socks.

I am a slob,  I cannot cleanup. It must be genetic, my place is a mess.

grey socks are not pure they stand out from the rest if you accept them as fact it is a mess.

The hell with Dr. Seuss and politically correct. My place is a mess that I cannot correct.

who am i trying to impress

The blacksmith I have yet to meet from my past.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Silver and Gold.

My favorite UPS man left me my X-mas present a few days early in the form of a large box filled with gold.

Add a few pounds of silver and you end up with something special.

Without a size reference it is hard to tell exactly what you are looking at but let me just say that is a very large 80% nickel 5K output transformer that will do around 3W full range!

For reference, most people consider moving one size up from the autoformer size is a big 80% core.  Well these babies are 6 sizes up and sounding wonderful with a 2A3 playing Elvis's Christmas.

Happy Holidays to all!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


a new contest!

Two years ago I spent a lost evening in NYC with new friends and one old one.

We danced again

 We tried to purchase bridges.

We saw liberty

We went fast

We danced

He sat with his invisible friend

the reason for the celebration.

Enough of the history. Rumor has it that CV  has a boy on the way to carry on his legacy and the boy deserves a proper name fitting of his heritage.

The surname of the yet to be born entity will be "vryonides" pronounced "vree-oh-ni-dees"

I'll start out with  Bryan Edward Vryonides or Be for short.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

T Model Ford at the Hi Tone....

Sadly, this ninety-year-old outlasted us... by 2 am, we were starting to lose focus... he was still pickin' and smilin'...

everyone really should own the Fat Possum documentary "You See Me Laughing"... but here is a clip of part of the T Model portion....


Friday, December 10, 2010

Turntable Lamp...

My new room has too many doors - a curse for a listening room - so my gear has to go right *there*... and there only... One of the problems is that there is no light in that corner. I am not a fan of throwing on a couple hundred watts when in the middle of a late night listening session. It just ruins the mood. So what to do?

Ahhh.... a nice, twenty watt bulb.....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

British Engineering.

For some time I have been looking at the above crossover for a Tannoy gold wondering about why they made some of the choices they did.  The end result is that the inductors are held in place on the phenolic board by packing tape.

Now compare that to a recent showing of a Klangfilm remake that was played at the most recent ETF.  While still in a naked form, The picture below shows the more rigid approach taken by some of my friends. 

Notice the use of standoffs and mounting hardware.  I did notice a bottle of wine in the picture and since they were in France, that is a perfectly acceptable excuse.  What bothers me is they were in Northern France only a short ferry ride across the English Channel from Great Britain and obviously the creators fell under the influence of the Brits when they finally completed their work.

Yes... the above pic shows the same amp with nickel output transformers  held down with strapping tape and attached with of all things clip leads.

OK,  Obviously I joke because I am jealous.  I have wanted to attend the ETF since year one when the crazy Viking started it.  I always say next year but rumor has it after the third year in France it is moving to Germany and hopefully this post will force the Germans to kidnap me and make me attend the horrible event and make me drink all of that horrible beer.

As a last note, thanks to the many people who put pictures up of the event so I could steal them without proper credit.  One came from Holgers site and the packing tape one was found at http://www.tubesoundelectronics.de/etf2010_1.htm


This is a before picture of 44 pounds of flat magnet wire

  The end result of a days work is 4 empty spools
and a few feet of extra wire....

and the contents of 2 - 25 pound flat rate boxes 
on their way to Memphis.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

and the winner is...

tre' drop me a note with what you want to do with them.


Friday, December 3, 2010

from the archives: My Old Azuras...

This rig is probably one of my second or third revisions from when I was working out of Lisa's grandparents' house. It is a long story, but basically I was taking care of the house and it became Experience Music over the course of a few years. I was spoiled then. I had three nice listening rooms there, and another here at the house.

I am pretty sure this was from winter 2003-2004, just after VSAC. It was one of those systems that was not perfect, but did a lot of things very, very well....
