Saturday, December 11, 2010

T Model Ford at the Hi Tone....

Sadly, this ninety-year-old outlasted us... by 2 am, we were starting to lose focus... he was still pickin' and smilin'...

everyone really should own the Fat Possum documentary "You See Me Laughing"... but here is a clip of part of the T Model portion....



  1. Damm I missed him Thursday night at a small club in Little Rock due to work..... Bah

  2. Yeah I saw him a couple times down in Austin. He used to travel with a drummer who only had a snare and hi-hat.

    He hit on all the UT babes in the audience for the whole show. T proudly confesses that he took up guitar at age 72 or something "to meet chicks."

    I can only aspire that I will be a tiny hint of such a shameless horny toad this year, let alone when I am 90.

    Here's a you tub3 of recent Austin T Model concert...know what I'm sayin?

    It shoulda been me, driving that Dynaflo..
