Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A German in NY

After CES, Frank swang by for a few days of fun and I was able to take him to hear a few systems.  Some of the pics he took arrived in my inbox so here they are.

 The centerpiece of one of the systems was a pair of Steve Berger's "Bronze 50" amps and our host broke out the "good stuff" for our listening. (click the above for higher res for your desktop)

The system was nicely tucked into a Downtown Loft and it is still a work in progress but still sounds wonderful.

The other pictures range from the abstract to the silly.

And Finally, the night before I met Frank, I watched Ghostbusters with the boys and had to document that the building we passed was real.


  1. Hi David,
    I'm curious what you thought of those Leben amps I see you pictured in front of, contemplating? How'd they sound to your ears?

  2. What kind of tube is the one on top of this post?!
    Kind regards,
