Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Jobs and the pyramids.

Snow removal and ice have occupied much of my time so I thought to look to the Egyptians for their wisdom.

I present you with a substantial amount of 80% nickel for a 10-10-300B amp.

I'll admit that full bandwidth 80% nickel IT's and OT's are a bit above the mark but I have to say I was so pained to take the OT's out of circuit after the listening test that I had to do another pair to replace them.

Unfortunately the 80% 300B outputs are only good for an honest 3-4W@50hz and that is what brought up the mini-pyramid approach for a 15W full range 304TL on 49% cores.

1 comment:

  1. duuude!! I want me some of those!

    I have some little 80's, so what I want to hear is that double thick 49 on something thoriated with power...

    maybe 30:1, 45H, 80 to 100 mA, 15 W?

