Monday, April 25, 2011

Avoiding tornadoes and choosing a winner....

Surprisingly they are both the same thing... totally random...

I grew up with tornadoes. As a child I remember the insanely loud howl of the wind as it took out parts of our house... took out all of the windows... smashed the television... picked up my swing set... blew over our chainlink fence... as an engineer, I am not sure how that last one happened...

Just a few minutes ago I was typing email from the closet. Tornadoes sighted in Memphis for the fourth time in three weeks. Sirens going off yet again. Even for the Mid South, that is too many close calls. Remember that picture of the wisteria I took a few days ago? This photo was taken at the intersection just to the left, barely out of sight of that shot.. there are supposed to be at least three traffic signals hanging from this post:

Nature has been impressive this Spring. These are not even true tornado damages. This is just from local winds in the area.... snapped trees everywhere... some 130 foot oaks down in the neighborhood.... a hundred thousand without power for days... we were down for just over a day... and lucky considering the trees on my little square of earth...

so.. as I said.. it is totally random... which is why I don't pull a number out of a hat... I read atmospheric noise to give away tubes.. so is it random? or predestined?

Eric, number 18, email me to get your triodes...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the south has been crazy with the storms lately. Sirens just started here.

    At a friends house a couple weeks ago awoke to sirens snapping oak trees slamming winds and hail. Trees down all over the place.

    Stay safe!!!
