Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Remote Intact Autoformers...


I forgot to show you guys what I shipped right before I wandered over to Holland and Bavaria...

The knob drives the display and the volume (duh)... in addition to volume, the remote controls balance, mute, and display on and off.... with the logic, -56dB to +7dB is available in 1dB steps...

The bright sun exaggerates the display glass... I really like the soft glow in a dark listening room... not too much light...

the traveling demo unit should be back any day now... so speak up if you want on the list...



  1. Imazing idea, but display looks a bit awkward on vintage design. Perhaps little lights or nixies instead?
    What is hiding inside?
    I would love to see decent tube stage, input selector and atteunator. Is that it?

  2. Stellar.....

    Take the least resistive path ; )

  3. That box looks big enough to hide an AppleTV and a little DAC. It would be an awesome network player.

  4. Very Nice, Mine has some purple heart wood, but otherwise Not nearly as nice looking.
    Where do you get the wicked slick knobs?

  5. I like that remote Master Volume Controller.
    Where can I order one and what do they cost?
    Evert Sharp
