Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Special K

Lets start at the beginning and a cool pic from one of Papa's trips to Korea

It just kills me how small that 16A in the background looks which just goes to show how insane this system is.   The owner of the system is Mr. K who happens to run a very large Korean cable manufacturer.  The reason this is important is because when the pair of silver autoformers were put in the new silbatone silver signature 300B (come to RMAF and hear it) it became clear that more silver wire that I had on hand was needed.

As it turns out, about a year ago  Mr. K's company bought one of the larger US magnet wire manufacturers and the request was made.  Unfortunately they could not produce the wire but a few days later I was told 5 kilos of silver was headed my way from a third party with help from K.

This box showed up the other day via ground service on the big brown truck.  The funniest part of it was no signature was required and it was sitting on my doorstep with this sticker clearly placed on the outside of the box.

Only in Korea kids.  Only in Korea.

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