Monday, December 26, 2011

show me your new vinyl!

I am spoiled... and it is therefore extremely difficult to buy gifts for me... I have any tube I really need... and to even think about something along those lines is to get into really obscure geekland... but I am blessed with a wife and family who listen... so this is what they got me.. check these out!

I know most of you have the super over released Folk Singer from Muddy Waters, and that is a phenomenal album, but this is his best from the early Chess years... I did not own it on vinyl.. and have nearly killed a hard drive calling this compilation over and over again... to say that I cannot afford teh stack of original 78's goes without saying, but this reissue sounds *WAY* better than my digital copy... this is serious dancing music... I often make a fool out of myself playing this one..

the Satch Plays Fats is another that I only had a digital copy of... not sure why.. I guess I always assumed it would be expensive due to age... but MZ showed me that it is out there.. I know every word to every song.. know the notes coming on teh solos.. Lisa and I both pull this one.. so it is nice to have a vinyl copy.. it makes it extra yummy...

Man or Atroman is modern surf rock.. I super dig these guys.. it is somehow mixed with a little REM sound in there.. "jangly guitars" as Lenwood would say.. highly recommended... but you can listen here for yourself first... check out the video by Sarah Jacobsen, an artist herself...

and last but not least is The Black Keys... I have already written about them here.. and I dig the new album.. more soul.. and back to some tunes that will absolutely ROCK live... I hope they swing south...

so I am super glad the family listens when I mumble about needing a vinyl this or a vinyl that... oh, and they wisely bought me a new green hoodie to replace my ten year old beater that has seen use and abuse... and they know me well enough to not buy one with a logo so large that it makes me a billboard... ahh... in cognito... my favorite..

so what did you guys and gals get???? gotta share!!



  1. Cool score : )

    Lets see...

    Denon DL110
    Nice Audioquest record brush
    Archival LP cleaning fluid
    Sanatana 1st LP
    Hank Sr mint MGM 4LP set
    Les Baxter African Blue
    The Beginners Guide To Tube Audio Design

    Got to hang out with my friends and listen to music until 3am.... Good times 8-)

  2. i got 3 qts. of canned greasy cut-short green beans from dan--my faves. winter won't be the same w/o the green hoodie .

  3. 45 rpm Analogue Productions:
    Ella and Louis
    Body and Soul -- Billie Holiday
    Farmer's Market Barbecue -- Basie
    Workout -- Hank Mobley

    1953-4 Clef/Norgran Recordings -- Stan Getz (Mosaic)

    Couple of regular pressings:
    Parallax -- Atlas Sound
    Trombone Shorty -- For True

  4. One LP for me...
    Graham Lambkin - Amateur Doubles
    (no dancing for sure)

  5. Have you heard Universal Music mono release of the Muddy Waters recording? Heavy vinyl but not sure about recording quality.

  6. ironically, that is what my digital copy is... assuming (big assumption as I have no idea what their reputation is for pressings) that they can stamp properly, it should be fabulous... my digital is clean and clear... lots of resolution...

    I *SO* love mono... it just gets straight to the heart of the matter...


  7. Got 2 discs from auto-Santa, i.e. bought em for my own damn self!

    Maggot Brain -- Funkadelic
    Black Caesar Soundtrack -- James Brown (orig Polydor)

    Some of the best JB ever laid on wax on that record. Serious...

  8. Oh yeah agreed Black Caesar is incredible. Is the movie great or is it great because of the soundtrack?

  9. Jeffrey, Thanks for the color regarding the Universal Music mono release of your "new" Muddy Waters recording. I am purchasing a copy that is available on Ebay. Can let you know my opinion if you care.

  10. Black Caesar is a great example of the genre.
    Pimped out 70s gangster with a Mauser!

    Get a good hit of the flick here:

    The soundtrack adds a lot. Real fluid, sincere, and vital JB funk overlay.

    Aside from the good music, the film contains lots of excellent fashion inspiration. I could make an entire outfit out of one of those 1970s polyester shirt collars.
