Tuesday, September 11, 2012

drug store needle tester

This one came from a most unexpected source.  I was bored and checking out all of the old familiar places when someone suddenly mentioned a "Mystery Retipper". Knowing most of the usual suspects,  I took a peek and the guy is in Seattle.  The two things that caught me from his bare bones site were the fact that he also repaired watches and the picture of the Fidelitone Needle Clinic.

To this day I never knew there was a "drug store needle tester"  and this thing just looks awesome. 

I really didn't want to call the guy for permission to use his pictures but 20 minutes of searching for this unique device had me dialing the phone.  Chong answered the phone and we chatted a bit. The thing that  impressed me from the entire conversation of cartridges, cantilever materials and stylus profiles was his pride in owning this "souvenir"


  1. So does this mean that if I find one of those drug store blood pressure checkers on ebay sometime I can set myself up as a cardiologist?


    1. If you can preform a successful transplant I don't care if you use a rusty saw. I think the scope pictured above is akin to a cardiologist having the antique in his waiting room.


  2. Where can I gets me an osmium tip? Screw them new-fangled sapphire and diamond tips. Nothing would be better than ensuring a fresh needle every few sides.

    1. Jeffrey should still have more than a lifetime's supply...


  3. Pretty sure that this was to test needles for a record player. Maybe not as interesting but it's not for testing heroin needles.

  4. Sorry for the above comment. I thought you actually thought it was a heroin tester. If you think this tester is neat then you love the one I found about 25 years ago at a garage sale. In it's original box, never used. Way cooler than this one.
