Friday, December 7, 2012

EM / WE 16A T-shirts...

ok... by popular demand... and likely because Iain went public, these now legendary shirts that have been seen on celebrities (what up, Holger!.. what up, Schick!) all over the world are now available to mere mortals like you, our beloved reader...

they are US$25 each.. a flat $10 will get as many as you want delivered to your door anywhere in the world... that is just to keep this simple.. I am already going to have to bribe my kids to stuff and label.. good old fashioned child labor...

so, if you want one, that is US$35... if you want two, then it is US$60.... paypal to experiencemusic at hotmail dot com is easiest... oh, and they are American Apparel shirts.. so they are thick... soft... but run maybe a half size large... maybe... so if you are in-between sizes, order down....



  1. Oops.... Sorry.... Bad blogger.

    I've already been stopped twice while wearing it and asked where I got it...

  2. I certainly hope that isn't coffee in that cup.
