Wednesday, May 22, 2013

for sale - Altec 604-8g, JBL LE85, Empire 208, Dyna FM3 and SCA-35...


no need to take these upstate... so who needs a near mint pair of Altec 604-8G coaxial speakers?  these have the alnico motors (yes, you want alnico... who cares about a dB or two at 20k if the midrange isn't yummy?)..  cones are perfect... diaphragms are perfect... even the gaskets are in great shape...

and they include a phase adjusted crossover... one I built with Clarity Caps...

on some famous guy's list of "must hear speakers of all-time"....


and my local DIY buddy Richie is also cleaning out... check out some of his goodies!

the LE85's are in great shape... but have Ti diaphragms... personally, I'd swap them out for Radian diaphragms and not look back... alnico/aluminum with a mylar surround is a winning combination...

one of the 12" coax's has a blown tweeter diaphragm... the other is perfect...

the FM3 is perfect... and the SCA-35 works as well... Richie said he would recap the integrated amp, but I am not sure he actually has a reason for that... I remember it working just fine... this is a perfect office or shop setup... small...

and an Empire 208...

email me: experiencemusic at hotmail dot com... I will forward email to Richie...

back to packing!


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