Wednesday, November 7, 2018

CAF 2018

Another year... another awesome event.  We took the show on the road again down to Washington DC for the Capital Audiofest.  This year consisted of a stack of rebuilt ESL 57 panels in a "stacked T" configuration.

Each pair of stacked panels had its own 300B based biamp setup with a line level crossover and step up output transformers.

The big changes in the amplification for this year were the addition of mercury rectifiers and .9999 silver wire throughout the amps including the plate chokes and output transformers.

The front end was analog only sporting a couple of 301's in maple and dymondwood plinths.

The cartridge was the next revision of the field coil built from the ground up seen here spinning on a test pressing of an upcoming ERC release of The Folk Blues of John Lee Hooker.

More of the ERC collection was also available to play.

Rather than go on about how awesome the sound was, we will leave it in the capable hands of Art Dudley and Michael Lovorgna

This is a funny story of what goes on in the halls of the show....

1 comment:

  1. So much cool... Where to start?! Can you tell us about that tonearm, Dave?
