Friday, December 7, 2018

ETF 2018 - pt II - people, places, (music next!)


hello again... I had been planning the people and places post for a few weeks... but as is typically the case, I took far few photos than I recalled.... oh, well.. at least I took some!  

as the photo above shows, once you strip away the buildings, this tiny Normandie village is not all that different from my little village in the Hudson Valley... apple picking... wool... pottery...

I can totally see this beautiful children's shop upstate:

but, as I said, then there are the buildings... and they 
are not the Dutch influenced/built buildings of 
upstate New York... 

right?  these are not quite New York... I 
see many familial influences, but this is rural 
France... clearly... 

and for Steve and Adam... check out how 
they are training these trees to act as visual walls/dividers 
to hide the parking lot... wild... and kinda awesome.. 
(sorry bout the photograph... I was clearly awake more at night than day)

oh... and one of the small details that I always love finding in 
foreign places... they do not stripe their car parking spaces 
with paint.. instead, they have these steel discs imbedded 
in the pavement.. I dig 'em.. 

and people... my traveling companions... I rarely 
travel without a historian/story teller and a transformer winder... 

and the always calm, cool, and collected (collector?) Walter... 
very helpful and lots of real world experience setting up gear... 

there is always one shocking surprise at ETF for me... 
every year... this year was no exception.. 

no... hear me out... I know tape sounds fabulous.. I already knew that... but *this tape*... You do not recognize it?  It is Charles Mingus's Blues and Roots... I have heard this album a bazillion times... I absolutely love it.. and am fortunate to have been gifted an original vinyl pressing.. and I own two reissues.. and the compact disc... but clearly something went amiss in the pressing... because there are *MANY* layers here that I had not heard before.. so much closer to a band being in the room... and you can just much more easily hear Mingus leading them.. and them talking back and forth.. I am still stunned... 

so, like we always say, it is great to have a friend with tape... I just can't add it to my queue at the moment, but it is always great to have friends with tape.. :^)

and here is what it was played on:

precursor to Klangfilm... a fabulous sounding driver and horn...

we also heard it on Karsten's wild Be driver'd Yamaha speakers... just as spectacular... no idea why I have no photos.. 

on Sunday we drove to Omaha Beach... such a powerful place... the art installation is just perfect... I will let it speak for itself... 

and then I have to post a few from Edinburgh and Durham... just because the Northerners know how to defend their keep!

totally ridiculous... and you can't get close enough for a good photo with a cell phone.. of course not.. because that would be within the range of archers... 

now Durham... that cathedral totally blew me away... 

after such a motivating trip, I was treated to a six hour sunset from my window seat.... nothing like chasing the sun from an extreme northern latitude... I have never really seen the green in the ROY G BIV of a sunset... but there it was.. and it was just stupendous accompaniment to the Coltrane in my headphones... 


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