Friday, April 19, 2019

EMIA Permalloy 50 Amplifier


rarely seen and never blogged, the EMIA 50's made an appearance at the warehouse for some final tuning and listening this week... two amplifiers are shown... one copper, and one silver... yes, silver interstage transformer and silver outputs... 

and check out those ridiculously giant nickel outputs... no, not 49% nickel... actual Permalloy - 80%.... sometimes I forget how much I love the sound of nickel... especially when coupled to a globe 50... not sure it gets any better than that... different maybe, but not better... a true classic... 

and speaking of rarely seen in public together, last night this happened:

Nick Mason played all 1970 and earlier Pink Floyd tunes... so wonderful to hear all of those Syd Barrett songs... and they brought the swirling chaos as well... Astonomy Domine... Interstellar Overdrive... Saucerful of Secrets.... and Roger Waters came out to sing the only song I wanted him to sing:  Heart of the Sun.... just perfect..   oh! and on the way out I found the Saucerful of Secrets:

I love me some liquid lights!



  1. It is amazing that Nick, Roger and David are still performing given the mind altering past. 50's are the shizzel

  2. Those 50 amps look delicious.. WOW....

  3. Saw Pink Floyd, when, maybe '72 when Dark Side of the Moon just hit the stores. Course we had to go to the wrong venue before we figured out they were playing on the other side of town. Best $9 I ever spent. Some days you are just lucky and grateful when oh so young.

  4. Are those PSUs sitting on the outside of the amps? One chassis per stereo pair?
