Tuesday, November 5, 2019

16" Mag Chunk

Back from Capital Audiofest and settling in.  Until a full show post is ready I'll tease you with a work in progress by the good Dr. Khan.  The past few years we have been using a 12" Dymondwood uni-pivot arm which is affectionately known as "The Chunk"  Not to be outdone we were working towards a 16" table to play some ERC Acetates so a 16" model was started out of a plate of Magnesium.

Two versions are being done, one smooth and one with a pattern much like a nail file to break up resonances.

These things look much more like ninja tools than tonearms but that is part of the fun.  I guess one could take it another direction and say it could be used as a pledge paddle for the EMIA fraternal organization.

Here is a photo with a ST 50 in it for scale.  Next time I head down to DC it should be finished and mounted so stay tuned.

Jeffrey was searching for show coverage on Sunday and it appears as if the first hit was spot on topic.

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