Tuesday, November 19, 2019

ETF 2019 Sunday...

and this time I am positive what day it was...  I could hear the church bells... 

first we said goodbye to our lovely house... and the lovely field... and the French cows... 

verification of Sunday.... 

then I walked over to finally see Marc Henri... I had not yet had a chance and he was still setup... we have similar tastes... and he listens.. so it sounded exactly as I recalled... very nice... very open... and very French -  it was sweet.. hard to do with horns... 

we then walked the streets of Bellême... 

and admired the colors again... 

but the stupid Americans had their loud pull cart luggage... you can spot and hear them a mile away... 

the Yellow Vests were relatively quiet... so I talked the crew into a side stop... I am quite certain they all were grateful... I have read books about this place... and I will apologize for the low quality photos... the place was stunning... everything I had hoped for and more.. google around for Chartres Cathedral.. read some about it... just incredible... and to imagine them building this is mind-boggling... 

and the rose windows... these things are so large and so beautiful... and survived massive shelling during WWII as teh French buried them in the surrounding fields... 

man... those photos were worse than I recalled... oh, well.. you should really find a way to go for yourself... and they were cleaning quite a bit of the statuary inside... being such pure white really changed the feel of the place... it was nuts... 

oh.. and we waked by this really creepy doll shop... actually, it was rather interesting... glad that such places exist...

lastly, this:

grateful for the French team... thank you...



  1. The most stunning fact about Chartres Cathedral is that it was built in just 26 years, from 1194 to 1220 utilizing no motorized anything. It's an absolute must see if you're in Paris or that part of France.

  2. Chartres is my favorite-est of all of the Gothic cathedrals (FYI and FWIW); magnificently proportioned.
