So dave says we should do this Dallas show. That it will be good for EMIA. (It will). I agree when he says we will do it low key and simple. Yet somehow I am bringing 38" diameter horns that weigh nearly what I do... several amps of the same weight.. two or three phono stages.. a couple of line stages... spare tubes.. tools... toys.. and on and on.. and HE is getting on a plane with a single bag... hmmm.. next show in New York anyone?

Eventually I realize that these hundred pound mahogany horns are not going to support themselves. Not even the field coil lowthers are enough rear ballast for these monsters. Hmmm.... What to do? I know, wait until the last minute and then go begging for help. Thank goodness I helped Doug build a 2A3 amp a few years ago. Local DIY'er to the rescue! I have welded a bit in my day, but I will say that I am not any good at it. OK, make that horrible at it, but Doug....

So here they are. Metal is so cool. At 8a.m. these were three eight foot rods. At noon they were a bunch of chopped up pieces. By 8pm they were two solid chunks of steel... too cool...

I didn't clean them up as much as Doug probably wanted me to, but I really like the way they look. Thanks, man.. you are a a life-saver... dave owes you one!
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