Thursday, April 28, 2011

Guitar Eye Candy

Ken Parker just sent me some pics of his most recent work of art and I though some of you might enjoy it.

Below are Kens words about his creation:

Here are some photos of "Semeur", my latest guitar.  The name means both "sower" and "mischief - maker" in French.

Semeur is built with curly mahogany from Belize, curly Sitka spruce from Alaska, Douglas fir, and ebony.

Weighing 1.7 kilos, she has a big voice, and is very versatile.

My first guitar on the continent!

I couldn't wait for the website, so this is an unedited preview.

Happy Spring to everyone.



Now for the details....  Nice work Ken!!!  (click the images to enlarge)


  1. Dave,

    I played one of Ken's archtops ~6 years ago at the Healdsburg guitar festival. Aside from the fact that it's a physical masterpiece, it's also one of the most acoustically compelling guitars I have ever played. Thanks for sharing,

  2. Stunning instrument! I hope I have the opportunity to meet one in person some day. I have a closet full of arch tops and none of them look like this.


    Steve (formerly of the C3)
