Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Munich High End 2011 Preview..


I am not sure I am fully recovered from CES, but Joe assures me this will be easier... that the gear is all show ready... GIP will be bringing a pair of these...

but I am of course excited about this:



  1. That bottom pict reminds me, the first time my wife saw pict of a 16A-- she walked to the living room, and pointing @ the long wall said "now THAT's a piece of industrial art, and look, it would fit perfect right here; just have to knock a hole in the wall!"

  2. ccorrect... for those of you who do not sit around reading WE manuals, that means the horn will have double 555's per side and therefore be a bit shorter....

    I would love to hear the direct comparison myself.... I am not sure if Joe or JC was there if and when a direct comparison was made... I only heard that it sounds "badass"....


  3. Dude, you know..."BADASS"

    What more do you need to hear?

    WTF I swear you are turning into a real ROMY. Next you'll be calling people on the phone to get them to describe how the soundstage is and whatnot.

    Anyway, we'll be rocking those horns first hand in a few weeks. Nobody can predict show sound, but I'm thinking those GIPs should be real interesting too.

  4. Jeffrey,
    Will be at Munich Show and have set and appoitment with GIP for a listen session during the show. I will be on trade day so should be good. Will tell you guys what it sounds like...
