I love this blog and was flattered Jeffrey asked me to write something. Few days ago I finished this 56 dc 171a headphone amp (more than 50% dht – 80 rectifier) – nothing fancy, scrap chassis, low cost.

Both my son and I thought it was OK at first - a bit flat. Today Jeffrey suggested to remove the 9ohm load resistors I had on the 5K:8 OPT's for the 32ohm headphones. I let my son have the first listen and in two notes he pronounces "It's Better!". It really came alive – open and fluid. Ten minutes later, thinking of Jeffrey, I treated my son to his first experience with Jimi...

- Joe
Another air guitar moment also know as spontaneous simulation for being one with the music = priceless.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see the operating points of the 56 and 71. care to share the schematic?
-- josé k.
The type of headphones you choose will depend on the type of music you listen to, the equipment on which you store your music, and what features you need from the product. Pick something that is comfortable, provides a full range of clear audio sound from treble to bass, are comfortable, jbl headphones and stylish.