Friday, February 10, 2012

Levels of insanity.

Last nights project from the scrap heap was another "quickie" that we discussed a while ago and I purchased the materials for.   Jon at Lowther America asked how a copper washer fitted to a Lowther phase plug would work.  While theory abounds, there is no better option than to get your hands dirty and give it a try so I took a half hour off and played.  Unfortunately I only could find one of the appropriate plugs and more are on the way so listening tests on the the effect with the Lowther field coil will have to wait.

From Lowthers to another Old English standard.

Oops... that was the milwaukee standard for insanity...

The phase plug wasn't even close to insanity of some of the people we call "family".  Back in July one of the family pushed the 301 envelope a bit with a solid brass platter for his 301.

Well,  Lets just say the results were promising enough for him to "kick it up a notch" and the results are not for those with a weak stomach.

Yes,  that is a solid Brass 301 deck + platter (with a 401 motor) and the insane thing is he is not done yet.  The bearing housing is next.  If all goes well, there will be a "DIY" room at the Capital Audiofest this year and everyone will be able to hear it against a stock 301 on some quads and be their own judge of what is insane.

I can't wait to hear it!

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