Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More Makers and a winner.

First things first.  Coolhand was lucky comment # 12 and while Random.org was lucky for him, I now have to post the books down under.  (if it is the coolhand that I think it is)  pop me a note with your address and I'll get tem off to you.)

Now onto John G. who wanted a pair of tapped chokes for his K-horn crossovers.  I wound him some 80% units and he added the euro terminal strips and cool block of wood.... nice over the top treatment.

The entire crossover one channel.

He even mirrored them.

As for the sound.... He ordered another pair to build another for his friend,

Nicly Done!



  1. Hi Dave, what attenuation taps did JohnG choose for his Khorn autoformer? I'm still trying to work out what works best in my system. best regards, tim

  2. Well, how do the K-horns sound?... Inquiring minds want & need to know!

    Cheers - Pete
