Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stippich and ElectronLuv are making a new scene...


I knew he had not lost the HiFi passion... I suspect he was bullied a bit by those metal grinders in the shop... he detoured into wearing out tires on supercharged and lowered pickup trucks... no denying that is seriously fun - and when in an urban environment..... ... ...

we have been talking quite a bit lately... sharing ideas... after all these years, we still share many, many goals... we see what we need to do... and we are both making giant strides at the moment..... check out what he is up to - new studio!!

and guess what?  he got his Kickstarter approved... but he cheated!  he used a decent video and even featured his kid!  (and the sweet and lovely Miss Ivy, of course)....

link HERE

go Josh!



  1. Superb... I noticed Josh's site had been updated recently. Great to see new good sized metal horns again.

  2. Hell yeah, great to see him back in the scene in a bigger way. (not that he ever left, really.) It's really cool to see how his work has changed over the years.
    Go Josh!


  3. thanks dudes you guy are the best !!!

    the dude
