Thursday, June 15, 2017

last pair of the ElevenHorns!


found a pair in the move!

dark mahogany with light gloss finish
(the light exaggerates the gloss)

and now I know why I boxed them away... small
blemish in two spots... looks like this one was
dropped after stain was applied, but before the oil
was applied... 

spot #2 - and each of these is only noticeable up 
close... you will never notice from the listening 
seat.. but refinish if you want to..

1" throat, 600Hz Le Cleac'h... I sold out of these first...

generous roll back... for a big, open sound... 

folks have used them with TAD 2000 series, but
there are sleeper cheap drivers like the baby Radian!

list was US$950 - last pair as shown - US$425

experiencemusic "at" hotmail "dot" com


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